3月16日,大名鼎鼎的詹姆斯·比尔德基金会宣布,将今年“终生成就奖”颁给美国著名中国菜厨师、著名烹饪电视节目主持人甄文达(Martin Yan)。要知道,詹姆斯·比尔德基金会的终身成就奖,相当于是餐饮界的“奥斯卡终身成就奖”。詹姆斯·比尔德基金会将於6月13日在芝加哥举行隆重的颁奖典禮。
作为全球知名烹饪节目“甄能煮”(YANCANCOOK)的主持人,也是首位成功将中国饮食文化介绍给美国及加拿大主流社会的电视人,甄文达前后录制有3,000 多集享誉海内外的烹饪节目。他还是名人主厨、美食顾问、烹饪讲师和多产作家,著有屡获大奖的30 本食谱。他新出版的一本重点介绍中国美食之旅和餐饮新发现的书籍,名为Martin Yan’s China。以此书命名的中餐馆M.Y. China于2012年营业,享誉湾区。 |
“在我的职业生涯中,我深感幸运:有一个美好的家庭、一个才华横溢专业团队、加上世界各地的忠诚的观众朋友。 从我第一天进入行带上厨师帽至今,今天得到James Beard Foundation詹姆斯·比尔德基金会授予的「2022詹姆斯·比尔德终生成就奖」。这是美食界难能可贵的奥斯卡奖,是每一个美食从业员梦寐以求的最高荣誉。 在这里我必须要感谢很多人,首先是James Beard Foundation詹姆斯·比尔德基金会,感谢我的家人和我的忠于职守的团队,也感谢四十多年来全世界各地一直支持我的观众朋友。这个奖项验证了我一生职业生涯的努力和奋斗。” |
We're pleased to announce that TV cooking show host, cookbook author, and master chef Martin Yan has been named the winner of the 2022 James Beard Lifetime Achievement Award; and James Beard Awardwinning cookbook author, culinary historian, and stir fry guru Grace Young has been named the 2022 James Beard Humanitarian of the Year.
The Lifetime Achievement Award is bestowed upon a person in the industry whose lifetime body of work has had a positive and long-lasting impact on the way we eat, cook, and think about food in America. Yan started cooking on television in 1978, developing his signature show, Yan Can Cook, which has been broadcast to more than 50 countries. As one of the most prolific chefs on TV with 3,500 episodes and 30 cookbooks, Yan has brought the joy of Chinese cooking to America with his motto, “If Yan Can Cook, So Can You!”
Winner of the International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP)
Lifetime Achievement Award in 2011, two-time James Beard Award-winner for best T.V. Journalism in 1994 and Best T.V. Cooking Show in 1996, and an inductee of the James Beard Foundation’s Who’s Who of Food and Beverage in America in 2001, Yan’s lighthearted comedic public persona belies his serious lifelong mission to promote and teach Asian cuisine. A certified master chef, Yan oversaw several restaurants in the San Francisco Bay Area, including M.Y. China and Yan Can Bistro, and ran cooking schools in San Francisco and in Shenzhen, China, both now closed. He recently donated his archives, including his first wok, thousands of photos, and 3,000 cookbooks to the University of California, Davis, where he got his master’s degree in food science. It is yet another way Yan is teaching the world about Asian food while preserving his legacy.